Friday, August 3, 2012

3 months!

We can't even kind of believe that we're at the three month mark. And since Charlie is very grown-up and won't go back to the doctor until four months, I don't have the regular stats for you, but I can tell you he's growing like a little weed. I can't even describe my devastation when I realized he'd outgrown a whole slew of clothes seemingly overnight. Or the hilarity of taking off his swaddle the other morning and realizing that the pj's John put him in the night before were so tight that he couldn't straighten his legs. Parents of the year over here. 

Charlie's doing all sorts of amazing stuff and is somehow even more calm and easy-going than before. He wakes up all smiles, talks incessantly, squeals, coos and is seriously working on a laugh. I heard a snapshot of it the other day, but we're still waiting for a full-on chuckle. He's recently discovered how cool it is to stick out his tongue. We started this trend last month when I read, at however many weeks, if you stick your tongue out at them they will attempt to do it back. Now it's an all-out game. He knows I think it's hilarious, and his tongue is out all the time. It's pretty freaking cute, huh?

We've started his Fuzzibunz - the reusable diapers - this month, and while I was honestly dreading it (I felt like they were going to be so much mess and stress), they could not be any easier. Luckily, we had friends start them before us and with their pointers and helpful tips, the transition has been effortless. I wish I could convince everyone to at least try them. I know it's not feasible in every situation, but we were going through almost two boxes of disposable diapers a month, and now I just do a load of laundry every few days. No mess. No stress. And no leaks! He exploded out of his disposable diapers more in the two days we were in Dallas than the past month we've been using the Fuzzibunz. And look at this sweet little booty!

He's started a pretty big-boy schedule in the last week or so - still eating every three hours or so during the day but now taking a mid-morning and afternoon nap rather than lots of little naps throughout the day. We've gotten into this probably horrible but wonderful routine when he wakes up too early from his nap and can't get back to sleep of me laying with him in our bed. And oh it's magical. I'm sure I'll regret starting this little habit later, but right now it's so sweet. He's snuggily and content and drifts off instantly. Absolutely melts my heart. Anyways, this new schedule means he's awake and active for longer stretches during the day, and we're having so much fun talking, reading, listening to music, laying outside in the shade, going on walks, playing on his mat, practicing his tummy time, and watching him kick his little legs and reach out and grab things. He's rolling over on his side pretty consistently and has done one purposeful back to front rollover. He seems completely disinterested in rolling from stomach to back, but we keep trying!

Our only frustration this month is his nighttime schedule. He was doing SOOOOOO well, and I really thought he'd be sleeping through the night with the way he was trending (wishful thinking...I know). Around six or seven weeks he would sleep from about 8:30 until 3:00 or 4:00 and then until 7:00, but in the last couple of weeks, he wants to go down around 7:30 but will only sleep until 12:00 or 1:00, then back up at 4:00 and then up at 7:00. I'm not quite sure what's going on, but he's definitely hungry when he wakes up, so maybe a growth spurt?! Perhaps all that hair he's trying to grow is making him wildly sleepy. Or maybe he's done with the swaddle. He's breaking out of it almost every night, so tonight, in honor of his three-monthdum, we decided to drop it. He laid down so easily, and when I went back in to check on him, he was just laying there wide-eyed and started squealing at me - the other trick he knows I love. I told him it was time for sleep, kissed him and walked out, and he didn't make a peep. If I was braver I would be taking a pic right now because when I just went back in he was sound asleep and looked hilariously comfortable all sprawled out in his bed. We'll see how tonight goes, but I guess maybe he's a cold turkey kind of guy. Ultimately, his 7:30 bedtime is fantastic.  And if he needs one more feeding during the night for now, I know I shouldn't complain. I do still remember the up-every-two-and-a-half-hour days. Most importantly Charlie's happy and rested in the morning, and John and I are way more rested and back to enjoying having some time together in the evenings.

Can't even tell you how much I love that little slope nose.

This month we've enjoyed time with family and friends at the pool, play groups, and outdoors. Charlie's had a blast at his Gaga and Papa's house - he's in a pretty intense relationship with a giraffe over there. And GiGi came back down to visit, and we all agreed that two nights just isn't long enough. But it was pretty awesome to see his transformation in just 6 short weeks. This time around GiGi got to sleep through the night, and we got to do all sorts of stuff during the day. Luckily, GiGi came down when were in the midst of "trying something new" with his routine. Just as I was at my wits end trying to stick him to this schedule, GiGi was here to remind me that he is doing really great. Why mess with a good thing? Thanks to GiGi's reassurance, we let that schedule go almost as quickly as it came. Having GiGi down here makes everything better. 

Can you believe how different he looks just six weeks later?!

Whoa that was a long one, and if you're still reading, probably way more info. than you needed, but I just feel like an unbelievable amount of fantastic stuff has happened this month. I'm sure every month I'll continue to be in disbelief of how much our lives change in just a month's time, but like I said, this one feels like a biggie. Charlie is amazing me more every day, and while our lives are pretty simple around here (legitimately, the best part of today was plopping down on the kitchen floor and hugging on Charlie while we listened to the Lullaby station on Pandora), I'm absolutely in love with our easy, joyful day to day.

Three month pic!

It was a private, but very funny, joke.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Gotta Say It...

I am so over the Chick-fil-A nightmare. I'm tired of reading posts about how Christian people are because they ate at a fast food restaurant on a certain day. I'm tired of people claiming their biggest problem with the entire Chick-fil-A debacle stems from the issues of free speech or the struggling economy. I'm tired of people believing that they are more of a Christian than someone else because their beliefs fall in line with that of some CEO. And honestly, I can't believe that so many of my "friends" are proud to tout about inequality.

Now I don't claim to be some banner-waving Christian or even the prime example of what a Christian should be, but as a Christian, I do believe that people should be treated equal. I'm appalled, but not surprised, that so many of my peers don't see it the same. The issue of LGBT Rights - be it marriage, military service, adoption, etc. - is no different to me than the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. It's no different than the Women's Rights movement of the 1920's. Black people don't choose to be born black. Women don't choose to be born women. And LGBT people don't choose their orientation.

Needless to say, I didn't eat at Chick-fil-A today, and I don't think it makes you more of a Christian than me if you did. I don't think it's cool to brag about inequality. And for all of you staunch Christians that had to eat at Chick-fil-A to show your support for the anti-LGBT rights movement, are you also boycotting AT&T, Boeing, American Express, American Airlines, Barnes & Noble, Chevron, Clorox, Coors, Disney, Ford, Gap, General Mills, General Motors, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Mattel, Microsoft, Nike, Pillsbury, Proctor and Gamble, Reebox, Shell, Starbucks, Time Warner, United Airlines, US Airways, Xerox, etc. etc. because they support LGBT equal rights?
