It's been a monumental week at the house, and since our outings are limited for a little bit there's not much to do but eat, sleep, and take pictures of Charlie. Mostly, this week has been surreal. We're dreading my mom leaving this weekend because while we very much feel like we're doing it, we know that we aren't
really doing it just yet. We have an extra set of hands, an extra set of patience, and some much needed expertise. John and I are still in a dreamy, half-awake, survival-mode state. I'm not sure anyone could properly prepare you or chooses to properly remember what these first few weeks are like, but Charlie is healthy and happy and wonderful, and John and I are marveling at all the firsts we get to experience with this little guy and anticipating all the ones to come. Since we've been home from the hospital, we've had our first...
Doctor's appointment - Charlie is off the charts for height at 21 1/2 inches (John's beaming with pride) and in the 98th percentile for head (big brains, right?!) and weight (no surprise there). We have our next doctor's appointment on Friday, and I'm so anxious to see how he's growing and changing.
Bath - we let Gigi play the bad guy the first go around while we watched and learned. Charlie was none too happy.
Trip away from Charlie - John, Stanley and I went to Petsmart (aren't we CRAZY?!) while my mom watched Charlie.
Spray alert - Charlie, sans diaper, sprayed John and me on separate occasions, but I guess this is what little boys do, huh?!
Dates with new family and friends - there have been a million people over to the house to meet, hold, love on Charlie and feed John, Mom and me. It's been amazing to be surrounded by so much love and great food!
Restless night - the lactation specialist was right on the money when she said day five would be a fussy day with lots of feedings. Charlie ate almost every hour. My body officially does not belong to me anymore.
Restful night - well a new definition of restful, I guess. We are sleeping 3 hours or so at a time, feeding Charlie and then Mom's getting him back to sleep in the middle of the night. See why we're dreading her departure?
Nap with Mom and Dad - I mean seriously...could they be any cuter?!
Feeding from Dad - I pumped Sunday and John got to feed Charlie for the first time. It was awesome to see the two of them bonding in that way.
Trip on my own - on Mother's Day, I ran to the store by myself, and it was officially weird. I got so use to walking through the store as a pregnant person...people don't just smile at you anymore or let you use the scale ahead of them or share their meat and cheese tastings at the deli counter.
Walk - John and I have been trying to get out of the house even if just to go on walks...we both get a little stir crazy otherwise. Charlie loves his Bjorn (thanks Lauren and Jeremy!) and John's fisherman hat. The first couple of walks were probably less than relaxing...John kept tipping him forward to make sure he was still breathing. ;)
Smile - even if it's sleepy and dreamy and milky, it's still a smile, and we love to see it.
Unintentionally choosing to shower rather than eat - I wasn't aware that when I chose to take a shower I was also choosing not to eat. I overestimated the soothing power of the vibrating chair.
Set of sports equipment - Maxwell obviously realizes we have an over-achiever on our hands. Charlie's set for his first lacrosse game.
Dad back at work - John went back to work on Friday, and it sucked for all parties involved, but we made it through and Charlie was so sweet all day. Surely he sensed it was a big day.
Mother's Day - and while I feel like I kind of cheated getting to celebrate this Mother's Day (I've only been mothering for 10 days), John made it a wonderfully special day. We got to celebrate with my mom whose been mothering for 40 years (I can't even imagine) and my sister. It was the perfect day with a beautiful brunch and lots of relaxing and loving on Charlie.
Visit with Gaga and Grandpa - we got to visit Fred and Ellen at their new Austin treehouse.