Sunday, April 14, 2013

Get Out! (Week 5)

It's impossible to live up to last weekend. Impossible to get out in that way two weekends in a row. Plus, I'm kinda in a love affair with my bed right now - nothing like the rock-hard ground to make you appreciate your pillow-top mattress. This weekend we concentrated on getting out a little closer to home, and since Chuck had a wicked fever on Saturday afternoon and night, we focused on the yard, made a quick trip to the Natural Gardener, and stuck around the homestead. 

Our landscaping was way neglected last spring...I guess I was pretty busy growing a baby or we decided to focus our efforts and get everything back on track. First stop? The Natural Gardener. If you've never been, The Natural Gardener is this gardening/landscaping utopia just southwest of downtown. Truly, it's magic. They have all sorts of varieties of plants, veggies, trees, the most helpful and knowledgeable staff ever, a chicken coop and goats - Charlie's favorite this time. By the time we left, Charlie had his animal fix for the day and we had a car full of plants and veggies for the garden. We eagerly headed home to dig, plant, repeat. We replanted our back flowerbed, tore out trees (and delivered them to friends), planted our lemon tree, laid sod, started our spring/summer garden, put the finishing touches on our front flowerbeds, mowed, edged, and ripped up the rotting wood lining our flowerbeds and replaced it with brick we found hiding under our deck. Ooof! What a day.

We got out this weekend, checked some much needed home improvements off our list, and enjoyed this beautiful sunshine. Austinites, I'm thinking our heat-advisory free weekends are numbered. We're going to have to start mixing in some large bodies of water to our routine! Here's hoping you got out this weekend too - soaked up the outdoors and improved your corner of world. 

Dancing goats.

Goat callin'. 

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