June 28th, 2014 may have forever altered your life, sweet boy. A day trip to Paul Bunyan Land, and poof, you're obsessed. You came back from our annual Minnesota pilgrimage in love with the giant lumberjack, and when I told you we could probably call Paul Bunyan on the phone, the love simply escalated. I, of course, called the one person I knew could jump instantly into character, your uncle Kevin, and the rest is history. We call Paul Bunyan probably weekly - we talk about calling Paul every dang day. God bless your Uncle Kevin and all his random knowledge of Mr. Bunyan and the forest.
As Halloween approached, there was never any question what you would be - Paul Bunlyan (you always add the "L"). You've been walking around pretending to be him - with an awesome deep voice - for months. We just needed the gear, and as the mailman delivered each new piece, your excitement increased exponentially. When he brought the boots? Shoot. They haven't left your feet. The neighbors loved you. And me? Well, I could have just eaten you up. Joy bounces out of you, and it's wonderfully contagious.
Our hearts were so full tonight watching you (each new house was a new adventure), and the church carnival we ended up at was perfection - friends, games, a band, candy, and a playground. We couldn't have asked for anything better. Life's better because of you. Happy Halloween, bud.
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