Tuesday, March 4, 2014

22 Months!

We talked today about how you're two months away from your 2nd birthday, and I kinda can't even believe it. Everyone keeps asking what we're doing for your party, and admittedly, I don't even want to throw you one. You were such a sourpuss at your first birthday party I vowed never again. Now that seems like a tough promise to keep. You're really cute and funny and smart, and I think I'll give you a do-over. 

Running. You're a natural. And it's true love. You refuse to sit in your stroller for walks now and insist on running while we walk Stan, and for the most part, you really do run the entire way. I normally bring your stroller and plop you in it for the last block or so because you start seriously wandering when you get tired, but we're kinda in awe of your ability. We don't have consistent sidewalks, so everytime before we set out, we have a quick conversation about using your ears and listening when I tell you a car's coming. You always say, Stop! Grass! in a yeah, yeah, yeah Mom, we've been over this before tone. And so far, no incidences. I actually wonder if I've taken the car thing too far because at the zoo a super-sized golf cart came around the corner and you darted to a tiny patch of grass looking like you just escaped death. We'll work on that. 

Reading. Oh nothing warms my heart more than your love for books, and this month we've really been into storytime at the library. You love Miss Elizabeth with her crazy puppets and silly songs and most of all for her stamps. She always gives you two, one on each hand, and you're obsessed. And watch out...when the wash off, devastation sets in deeply. You're seeming to get books on a different level lately too. We checked a book out called "Do Like a Duck Does," and it's all about a fox that's pretending to be a duck so he can essentially eat one of the ducklings, but the mama duck keeps catching him and making him prove he's a duck by putting him through all these tests which of course he fails. Anyway, I wasn't really expecting you to totally get what's going on, but you totally do. You get the worrisome parts and the funny parts all the same, and it's blowing my mind for some reason. You're so smart. 

You're obsessed with the outdoors - worms, rolly-pollies, dirt, rocks, water, flowers, bulldozers, trucks, etc. etc. Worms on your hand, worms on your legs, worms under rocks, worms everywhere. You are obsessed with your friends and want to see them all day everyday. We spent time at the zoo, at the park, and of course playing outside. I'm in love with your adventurous spirit and your independent nature. 

This month has brought out a bit of a love bug in you. You're so great at giving "big squeezes" and will run over and tackle us with hugs at random whims. Oh and you will smile on command. It's the cheesiest, fakest looking smile, but oh my, I'm in love. 

More than ever, I'm head over heels for you, little one. So grateful that you're mine. 

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