Sunday, December 17, 2017

June - Three Months!

Lagging so far behind on the blog. I blame you and the holidays. 

Oh, girl. You turned into one spicy little jalapeno this month. I guess all the go-go-go was a little too much. You rage in the car, at your dad when he gets home from work (oh, yes, your rage coincided just perfectly with his reentry to work), and just about anyone who dares make direct eye contact with you that isn't me. It's real sweet that you love me so much, but ooooh-weeee, you're starting to really hurt peoples' feelings.

When you're feeling peppy, you're still smiling and cooing and making all sorts of wonderful noises. You're working real hard on rolling over. You're getting to your side from your back consistently, and I feel so certain you'll be rolling over with ease soon. On the day you turned three months, you rolled over so purposefully, and every time I rolled you back to your back, you would pop right over on your stomach. You still love tummy time, and there are days where I'm certain you're about to crawl.

This past month we got to lay pretty low. Tania, Pat, and your devoted cousins - Jake and Hudson - came down to see us, and then Poppy Jim and Marge trekked down the weekend after. You pretty regularly shouted during each of their visits, but I'm pretty sure they still love you. We stayed in Austin for Thanksgiving, and it was a really nice low-key holiday. It felt great not to be throwing you in the car. We love you, bud. Let's try calm voices and clustering sleep this coming month, eh?

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