We went to the doctor today, and it seems as though my month eight predictions might have been a bit off. He's 21 lbs and 15 oz - alright Char, I'll give you the 22 lbs - which puts him in the 80th percentile. Gasp...he's starting to level out and slim down which I guess is good because otherwise he really would be 64 lbs by the time he turned one. He's 30.5 in. which still puts him off the charts for height...have I mentioned how proud this makes John?!
This month Charlie is obsessed with the sandbox (a converted plastic pool) that sits in the back corner of our backyard. Between that and the bench GiGi and Pops got him for his baptism, I think we sit out there for at least an hour every day. And if we haven't made our way out to the sandbox that's only because Charlie's feverishly practicing pulling up and walking along the edges of our chairs and bench on the deck. We've rediscovered books this month. He couldn't sit still to get through even his favorites for a while, but after achieving the end-all-be-all feat of crawling, he can now settle in for a good read. Other than crawling, maybe my favorite thing this month is Charlie's laugh. It's still this full-belly chuckle, but this month he'll get so tickled he can't focus on whatever he was doing. For real, fall down laughter. Stan has also become even more of an obsession this month because now Charlie can be in his biz-nass at all times. Stan is so sweet to him, and every once in a while he'll bring his toy over by Charlie and play a little tug-o-war...Charlie's dream. And we're still talking, gibberishly, but we're talking. Charlie continues to yell - ahhh-ah - when he wants something, especially food, or when he senses a good echo. But he's also got a pretty great grunt working this month when he wants to get your attention. And of course, the ma-ma-ma-ma-mas when he wants to be picked up. I'd like to claim he's calling out for me, but he says it to everybody. The little player.
Now for the downer, this month was marked by some serious sleeping woes that I think we're on our way out of, but I'm not totally confident. Almost every. single. nap. was a battle. I tried pushing nap time up...maybe I was letting him get overtired. Wrong. I tried one nap...maybe he wasn't tired enough. Wrong. So we've been patiently (not so much) working through it. I think most of the problems started around the time of the crawling. He had these super amazingly awesome skills to show off, and the moment he was on his belly he couldn't help but crawl around. I literally found him exhaustingly crying and crawling in circles in his crib one day right after I laid him down. Can't. stop. crawling, Mom. Misery. I'm hopeful we're on the other side of the sleep regression...like, wishing and hoping and thinking and praying.
For the moms that want it - he's up at 6:30/7:00, takes a nap around 9:00 for about 45-60 min, takes another nap around 1:00 for about 60-90 min., and then is down for the night at 6:30/7:00. He's nursing (yes, Kevin...nuuuuursing) four times a day - waking up, after first and second nap, and before bed at night. And he's eating three meals a day - 4 oz of veggie/fruit puree and a handful of blueberries or cheerios or lima beans or peas or whatever else he can feed himself - with two snacks normally in between nap and lunch and nap and dinner. House and home. Eating us outta house and home.
Month nine. Three months until the big numero uno. I got all choked up today at the doctor's office making his one year appointment - I can't believe we're already there. Life's sweeter because of you little Chuckster. So very much sweeter.
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