Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sickly Grateful

Charlie and I spent our first night together in the bathroom with a pile of towels for a pillow and a beach towel for a blanket hoping the warm shower moisture would clear those nostrils. Before he went down for the night, I could tell he was getting congested, and sure enough an hour into his normally seamless slumber he woke up just miserable. I dropped some saline in his nose while John set up the humidifier and tilted the crib mattress, and Chuck sweetly fell back into a deep slumber. Somewhere in my subconscious I must have known we were in for a long night. I couldn't get to sleep and sure enough around 11 Charlie woke up in a rage. An inconsolable rage. I pulled him into bed with us, normally an instant calmer only to find him more frustrated. So we hit the bathroom, and he sacked out. And of course mid-night, I started getting sick too. The pits. The absolute pits - being sick with a sick little one. It's been a long couple of days, but being sick and sad has made us wildly grateful for...

1. Super Dad mode. John jumped in on Sunday and didn't look back. I took two naps while the boys played.

2. A sick kid whose still crazy fun and cute. Even with snot flowing down his face, he's beautiful.

3. Sweet friends who bring a Super Bowl party to you when you can't come to theirs'. And Doritos...nacho cheese Doritos...god, they're delicious.

4. Two nights of family bed. They weren't the most restful nights, but waking up next to that little guy is just too good.

5. Veggie casseroles on the doorstep.

6. Naps. Long, sweet naps.

7. Humidifiers. Not because I think they're really helping Charlie sleep, but I do love walking into his room to find him bouncing and waving in the "smoke". A young clubber on our hands.

8. Beautiful days at the park. Every kid had Chuck's same cough and snot drip. And the walk there with Stan was just what we needed - fresh air.

9. Shopping therapy. Target's boys' clothes are cuuuute.

10. A sanitized house. I believe in the power of clean sheets.

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