Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. What a tiny pistol he's turned into this month. He is truly on the move from the moment he wakes up until he drifts off to sleep. Honestly, today would have slipped right by me if his GiGi hadn't texted remarking how unbelievable it is that we are officially one month away from the big O-N-E! We are so busy bouncing from here to there now because of Chuck's increasing mobility that I'm never quite sure where the day goes. But 11 months...holy cow.
Moving. For real, we're up and greeting the day often before I've really clocked in. Why, again, don't I drink coffee?! Charlie isn't walking yet, but he wants to so badly that he can hardly function lately. He finger walks constantly, and if you try to take a break because your back is certain it might break in two, he just cries and cries and cries. Thankfully, GiGi and Pops sent him an April Fool's/early birthday present - a Radio Flyer wagon/walker - and it couldn't be more fantastic and practical. We've walked 9,000 laps around the house in the last week, and he's so freaking proud of himself at every turn. He's starting to get braver with his steps. He's walks while holding on to just one of our hands and has taken a handful of steps at a time by himself, but as soon as he realizes he's on his own, he drops to his butt. Soon, Charlie boy, so soon. And then I'm certain moving will have an entirely different meaning.

Smarts. Charlie boy's got 'em. John and I are still perplexed by where he got these brains, but we're gonna roll with it for now. He's chattering all day, and while he's had Ma and Da down for the last month, the 'b' sound has been mixed into his repertoire this month and he uses it exclusively for ball and book. He's not saying the entire words, okay, but try to tell him differently. And oh books! My English teacher heart is so full because this month he's been crawling down from my lap, pulling a book out of his basket, holding it up to me saying "bah" until I take it and then crawling back to my lap saying "uh" (up!, duh) and then settling in to read. For real...melt my heart. There is one book "Where's My Mommy?" that my friend Dawn gave me after he was born, and he's obsessed. I'm not quite sure what he loves about it so much - it's way above an 11 month old's reading level - but every time I turn the first page, he starts flapping his arms and "oh, oh, oh, oh"-ing. It's just beyond awesome.

Growing. Man, is this kid a weed. We don't get his official measurements until next month at the big one year appointment, but he weighed in at 25 lbs last week at his doctor's appointment (darn fever). But what I'm dying to measure...maybe I'll just lay him out or stand him up against a door frame, his height. He is looking crazy tall these days. And if his high-water pants are any indication, I'd say he's grown a few inches from last month.
Sleeping. Oh
blackout curtains, how glorious you've made our life. Great naps, great bedtimes, great sleeps.
Appetite. Charlie's eating his little booty off (or on, really). He loves pretty much any fruit (raspberries are the running favorite) and all bread products and meats. Not so into cheese or a wide variety of veggies, but he loves kale, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas and butternut squash. His favorite meal is eggs, turkey sausage, raspberries and OJ (it's totally mine too!). I'm grateful for that easy appetite and willingness to eat.
This month we've spent even more time than usual with family - yay for trips to Austin! - and loads of time outside and with friends. He's still pretty content doing anything outside, but he's not content just sitting and playing in his sandbox or on the deck or out in the flowers with me. He's got to be in the mix or exploring at all times. Although, at playgroup today he was pretty content to play with his friends toy kitchen almost the entire time...hoping he got some of his Uncle Kevin's cooking genes. His Gaga and Papa's house is still one of his favorite places to be - the clock, the window, the stairs and the wooden toy luggage that fits perfectly between the slats of the end's dreamy. The library went on spring break I think almost the entire month of March, but we were back last week, and Charlie was cruising around all over again invading people's personal space at every turn. And the bike cart. It must be mentioned because it's our new favorite thing this month. Chuck's first tool around town was a little scary, but since then, he's loved it every time. What an easy way to get to the library or the park or the grocery store. We're in love!

This month was loads of fun - spring breaking, sxsw-ing, and celebrating birthdays and Easter, and next month we'll be celebrating one year since our sweet Charlie boy debuted into this world. Can't believe we're here already but can't imagine being anywhere else.
Thanks, Mama Case for the awesome pic! |