Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Get Out! (Week 3)

Are you seeing the trend? One of John and my goals for our family is to get out of our house and take advantage of this great place we live in, so we're trying to truly tour around Austin visiting all our old haunts while trying some new fun too with sweet Charlie and Stan in tow. I hope you'll join us - get out and explore your city!

This weekend was a little different - Charlie was feverish and sad and sleepy. We rested most of the day on Saturday but ventured out for a couple hours in the afternoon to visit one of my favorite parks in Austin - St. Edwards Park off old Spicewood Rd. Once we moved from our 360 apartment, Stan and I discovered this park not too far away from our new place. It has great little swimming holes, a steady stream in the creek and some awesome hills on the south side. We've had some downs at this park too though, so beware if you plan to visit - John's had his wallet stolen out of his locked car twice, the parking lot (small) is really close to the two-lane busy street, so leash pets before getting back to the car, and I didn't see it, but Stan came bolting out of the brush one day running for his life, and as I tried to figure out what the hell had spooked him, I suddenly realized the rattling was more than likely a snake he'd stumbled onto. But with all that said, this park keeps me coming back for the secluded trails, mix of terrain, and beautiful water features. And during the spring there is a bend right behind a grouping of trees, where you turn the corner and literally fall into a gigantic field of bluebonnets. And if you catch it at the right time, I just swear this is what my version of heaven looks like.

Another great trip, a perfect way to spend the afternoon. Get out(side)!

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