Tu-tle. Who ever knew it'd become my very favorite word? You've added it to your growing list in the last week, and I look for turtles everywhere we go just to hear you say it. You have the softest, sweetest little voice when it comes out, and the 't's are always hyper-stressed. You also love to say "ow." lately. A plant could brush your leg, and "ow. ow. ow. ow." until one of us says "oh gosh, are you okay?" You always are, but I guess you just like us to check in on you. You've added a lot of words this month, and while I'm still mostly the only one that understands your distinctions - poop, balloon, oops, plane...all the same word, you're getting clearer and really working to communicate.

This month has been hot, hot, hot (I'm trying to keep some perspective since we've had rain and cooler temps for the majority of the summer), but oof. We've been in the pool literally every single day, and you love the water. Whether we're in your baby pool in the backyard, at the splash pads or the city pools, the water is a constant. You don't seem to mind when you go underwater, which happens pretty frequently because you insist on walking or running through the water on your own. As soon as you fall you either pop right back up or we grab you, and you're off again. You're so brave and confident. Your confidence and adventuresome spirit should probably make me nervous, but I love to watch you growing, learning, and taking the world in. You've got a wanderer's soul, tiny friend.
Truly, it's my ultimate goal every day to wear your butt out. You have an unbelievable amount of physical energy. You will sit while we read and while you eat, but other than that, you're up and on the move. I'm tempted to put one of the monitors on you just to see how many steps you actually take in a day. Marathons, sweet boy, you're running marathons. In addition to the water, you love the park, pushing your lawnmower around the driveway, getting off and on the train at GaGa & PaPa's house, trucks, motorcycles, face-timing with Pops & GiGi, airplanes, buses, bulldozers, motoring around the deck on your scooter Poppy & Marge got you, turtles, dogs, and books. Your favorite book lately is about 10 little ladybugs, but all the truck books are cycled through quite frequently. We read books mostly right before you go to bed and right when you wake up, but I love when you walk in your room and grab a book at an odd moment in the day and shove it towards me, "more!"

Sleep is still good. You're down to one great afternoon nap and are going down a little later at night but waking up later too, so that's great. You go down around 7:30 now and sleep for a solid 12 hours. This past week's been a doozie because you're cutting teeth, but the last three nights have been back to good, thankfully. You're also really interested in poop this month. Your poop, Stanley's poop, and pretty much anyone who might venture in the way of the bathroom. You always yell out "poop!" as soon as someone heads that way. You've started wanting to sit on the toilet a few times a day, mostly at home, but sometimes when we're out too, and probably at least once a day, you're totally going to the bathroom in the toilet. And today was a total score when, at your cousin Vivi's party, you shouted poop, ran to the bathroom with your dad and went. Way to go, dude! You love to wave goodbye to your movements as we flush them and talk all about it. Potty training is certainly not on our agenda yet, but I figure we'll just roll with it for now while you're interested.

Quick truth bomb, sweet boy. You yell now. And it legitimately hurts my ears which I don't hesitate to tell you and to which you always reply "hut" while grabbing your own ears. You came back from vacation with this yell, and I'm so ready for it to be gone. We've tempered it in the last month, but it and your new whine are my least favorite thing. I told you this week that instead of whining you could just say "Mama", and I'll help you with whatever you need, so now you stand by me while I'm putting on makeup or making you something to eat or getting dressed saying, "Maaaaaaaaama, maaaaaama, maaaaaaaaama." I'm mildly regretting my instructions. How about we just use all those words you know? You're too smart to yell and whine, Chuck. Lets just stop. Deal? Deal.
Words, water, sweet friends and more energy than anyone could possibly know what to do with has colored our month, and just when it doesn't seem possible for my heart to swell any larger, I wake up loving you even more the next day. You're cooler than the other side of the pillow, Chuckster.
Defiance |
Skeptical of the clown |
Cruising chicks |
The five seconds you actually sat at storytime |