Thursday, January 3, 2013

8 Months!

Charlie. Chuck. Chuckster. Charles. Charleen. C-murder. Stinky Stew. Carlos. Monster mash. Justin Bieber. Char. Doodle. Stanley (happens at least once a day). Bug. Chucky. Charles Lee. Chucky Cheese. Bop. Sweet boy. Boss man. Ding dong. Chuckles. Beetle bug. And I'm certain there's way too many more. Charlie's nickname list grows every day, but against all odds, I think he actually realizes his name when we're trying to get his attention. What a freakin' smarty.

This last month has been crazy, crazy, crazy good. It started off a little rough - weird naps, bouts of frustration with everyday things (diaper changes have suddenly become numero uno on Chuck's DO NOT DO list), boredom with toys, and a sleep pattern shift, but about mid-month, everything went dreamy. Charlie's new-found frustrations haven't changed, but as with every new stage, we've adapted. We become wildly entertaining during diaper changes, sing our asses off while we dress him, and added some new toys (what a Christmas this kid had!). And then Charlie is still this sweet, contented little dreamboat of a kiddo most of the time. So like I said, dreamy.

Two words define this month - talking and standing. Charlie is still talking all. the. time. Still mostly "aaaaaaaaaahhh" and "baaaaaaaaaa" at alternating volumes, but he's worked in a host of new inflections (his meal time "ah!" is just too awesome) and is pretty into a "ay ya ya ya ya", especially when we're driving. My favorite might be his LOUD "aaaaaaaahhhhh" that he seems to save exclusively for grocery store banter. He works really hard at getting peoples' attention lately. God forbid Madi or Jackson stopped fanning the Chuckster's ego for one second during Christmas, a grunt and an immediate smile were soon to pull them right back in. What a flirt. And standing. Oh my. Standing is definitely the new sitting up. I'm not sure this kid will ev-er crawl because all he wants to do is pull up and stand and bounce and walk around while you hold his little hands. Is this what skipping crawling looks like? Honestly, I'm dying for him to start motoring around here. I know. I know. Be careful what you wish for, but he's so frustrated with his lack of mobility. We're still doing lots of tummy time, and he's circling all around and moving backwards, but man, he just cannot get his knees underneath that big ol' booty and move those arms at the same time! It's hard work being a chunk. I know he'll figure it out one of these days, and I'll probably want just one more day of plopping him down and not worrying about him jetting off, but I really can't wait to watch him in full-blown mobile action.

Charlie's also working on some serious teeth in the last week, and I think we'll finally see one of the top ones break through any day now. Admittedly I'm nervous about these teeth making their debut, but I'm certain once they're in Charlie will find a way to be kind with his new chompers (he will, right?! ). And it's a good thing he's adding to his pearly whites because man, can this kid EAT! He loves (and devours) almost everything we set in front of him. I can't even list all the new foods he's tried this month. It's crazy to watch him eat and even crazier to watch his interest when we start eating. He just so desperately wants a bite! I'm considering starting a "Feed Charlie" fund immediately because I think we're going to need some serious help keeping enough food in the house for this big boy. Anyone have some good buffet suggestions?! I'm grateful for his ever-evolving palate, and his willingness to try new things. And I can't wait to see what new foods next month brings. Side note: we don't go back to the doctor until next month, but this kid weighs ~64 lbs, I think. Just a guess. He's got a lean little torso - he's getting longer and longer every day - but oh gosh, those chunky legs. What a physique.

[For the mom's that want it...He's sleeping from 7:00 - 7:00 (with teeth coming in this last week he's been waking at 5:00am and needing his pacifier to get back to sleep). He's taking two naps a day - going down about 9:00am and sleeping for an hour to an hour and a half and then going back down at 1:00pm for an hour and a half or two. I'm breastfeeding him five times a day, and he's eating three "meals" of solids - a breakfast, lunch and dinner (3 - 4 oz. each). So yes, he basically eats his way through the day... ;)]

I know this next month holds loads of new kinds of fun with sweet Charlie, and I can't wait to see what the new year brings us, but for some reason four months until he turns one seems CRA-ZY! Happy 8 months, sweet boy.

Monthly pic is getting a little more difficult...

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