Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Merry

The triple threat. We just finished our Christmas x 3 tonight, and oh what a celebration it's been. Christmas has always been a time of giving, reflection, eating and family merriment, but this year it was made all the sweeter because Charlie had his very first go-around. Oh and snow...snow definitely made it a little sweeter. Charlie's first Christmas turned white by the afternoon as we watched the morning rain turn to beautiful, full, streaming snowflakes. Chuck was shrieking with joy as we ventured out in to the beautiful afternoon, and even though we were just out there for a minute with Charlie, the snow added so much magic to the day.

Charlie got a truck-load of toys and clothes. He seemed intrigued by all his new stuff, especially the ones he's been introduced to at playgroup (how mind-blowing to have them at his house now!). But Charlie's very favorite thing is still all the people. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins - let's just say Charlie hasn't lacked for attention in the last few days. And as in awe as I am of this sweet kid, I'm equally in awe of all the love that swirls around us.

I hope your holidays were full to the brim of love, light and joy and that the new year brings you more of the same. I know from here on out I'll be amazed by the difference a year makes, but this first year as our own little family seems especially inspiring.

Lots of love to you and yours.

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