Monday, March 18, 2013


We had a weekend. Our first nothing-on-the-calendar, nothing-we-have-to-do kind of weekend in a while. And oh man, we took advantage of it, the beautiful weather and this sweet city we live in each and every day.

Free SXSW shows at Whole Foods; breakfast, lunch and dinner outside; a bike ride to the grocery store; sleeping in until 9:15 (thank you, Charlie!); a hike at the Motorcycle Trails; a bike ride to the nursery; St. Paddy's day; and a celebratory dinner at a sweet (new-to-us) spot - Contigo; it was a ketchup-licking good time.

If you're a Texan you know these perfect 80 degree days and 60 degree nights won't last for long. We'll be heat advisoried and sweating in the shade in no time. Enjoy perfection while its here. Get outside! And if you're an Austinite, get out and explore this beautiful city. We're crazy lucky to live somewhere with an unbelievable amount of fun, active, free things to do. Capitalize!

1 comment:

  1. These days are grand...or should I say "were", since the temps are already climbing. Sigh...Kudos for taking advantage of the great weather!
