Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sweet Charlie Boy

Just when my heart feels like it'll explode at any minute, you do another sweet, funny or smart thing, and it somehow swells a little more. I love you everyday, of course, but there are some days where that love digs just a little deeper. I hope you'll know this kind of love, sweet boy. I hope you'll share this kind of love for me, your dad, a pet, a future brother or sister (I don't think we're going for both...sorry), a partner, and hopefully, one day, a child of your own. Because this overwhelming, heart-swelling love is truly awesome.

I somehow lucked in to spending my everyday with you - the sweetest, smartest, funniest, cutest, and most contented kiddo. And that's exactly what you are nowadays...a kiddo. At almost 11 months old there's no denying you're a total kid. You are, as your Papa called it, perpetual motion. And there are just too many memories I want to hold on to right now. Too many I want to keep forever.

Right now you are... 

Wanting to walk so badly you can hardly stand it (seriously, no pun intended). Just this weekend, because you had a ball in your right hand, you walked while only holding on to one of my hands. And this morning you did the same. It slowed you down and made you more cautious, but you totally did it. You can stand on your own now too, but only when you don't realize what you're doing. I know you'll get it all soon, and we'll be off to the races.

Showing your brain-power more and more everyday. We rode to the nursery Sunday to get some plants, and as you struggled to reach a water cup at the bottom of your bike trailer, I rode up alongside you and told you that your snack cup was beside your arm and pointed. I don't even know why I did it. I honestly expected we'd stop, and I'd grab both for you, but just when your dad started slowing down, you looked at me and then turned directly to your snack cup and happily went back to riding and eating. Your dad and I both marvelled at you. It may seem small and insignificant, but you are amazing to us. The things you understand and work to communicate are unbelievable. That little brain is working all the time. And even though you're not talking, you clearly understand. Amazing.

Laughing and make me laugh constantly throughout the day. Just today we were both in a fit of giggles because you were tightening your fists, straightening your whole body, and grunting all while watching yourself in the mirror in the backseat. Between grunts you would smile and laugh. I guess you were just confirming that yep, it looks as cool as it feels.

Saying "uh-oh" in the sweetest, softest voice. I can't seem to get you to do it for anyone but me and your dad, but oh my lord. I'll have to try to get it on video because your voice is just too sweet.

So big. When we stopped to eat lunch before the grocery store, a man typing away on his computer stopped for a brief stretch break raising his arms high above his head before getting back to work, and you, watching the entire thing, mirrored him over and over and over. Because to you that man was doing "so big" and well, you know all about being that.

Loving social laughter. Your friend Eddy has been in on every joke for months now, and it cracks me up to see him laugh just because all the adults start. And just this month you've started doing the same. It's this total cheeseball face and forced laugh, but it kills me.

Crazy about the grocery store. I don't know if it's your forever love of food or all the people fawning over you or all the bright colors and balloons, but we have a lot, I mean A LOT, of fun in there. You love when we push you way out in front and then yell, "Charlie - Come back!" and run over to the cart eagerly kissing your face. Giggles. Intense giggles.

Flapping your little bird arms in the air when you're really excited or want to be picked up or see a box of cheerios or want a dog to play with you. Just lately this is always happening in conjunction with your tongue sticking straight out. Arms flapping, tongue stretched, you might really be a baby bird. Which seems quite fitting because you are obsessed with birds right now - ducks, pigeons, crows, parrots (real or fake). All of them make you shriek.

Balling up on my chest and tucking your face into my neck, just like when you were a tiny infant, as you drift off to sleep at night. I get to feel your little eyelashes slowly open and close until you're out for the night. And even though I have the foresight to realize that's probably not going to be a very "cool" thing to do when you're bigger, the day this stops happening will be devastating. Every night I get a small reminder that you're still just my baby.


Sweet Charlie boy, how blessed we are to live our all day, everyday together and make these memories. How blessed I am to get to teach you about the world. My love is strong. I hope you feel it each and every day.

"You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far. Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable." - Kahlil Gibran

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, so much, for sharing your moments and bringing to mind my own with my children. I remember telling my husband after the birth of our first child (whom we got to share with you--twice!) that, for better or worse, he was now "second". (It's okay; it's the same for him, good daddy that he is.) A mother's love is sooooo powerful.

    One more thing to keep enjoying while you can: that precious baby scent at the top of Charlie's head. Sooner that you'll like, it will turn into little boy sweat. There is nothing like baby scent...such a primal part of mothering!

    Charlie is certainly one blessed baby.
