Mom fail. Life fail. This afternoon I simultaneously failed at both. The morning started off right - Happy kid. Good breakfast. An offer from a friend to check an errand off our list. A solid nap. A shower. The day was mine for the taking.
Feeling like I'd already conquered this day, I decided to knock a not-so-pleasant errand off our list and pack up Chuck and finally get his blood draw done. We jumped in the car, and my oil light flashed, yet again. And since I'm making the trek north tomorrow and according to the sticker I should have changed my oil in October, I dropped the blood draw plan (happily) and turned towards the land of oil changes and car washes. It was 11:30 which gave me a solid chunk of time to get my car taken care of and head back home to feed Chuck and put him down for his 1:00 nap. Pulling in, James asked me if I wanted him to take care of my inspection while he was at it. Failure alert!
Why not? Thanks for noticing James. Oh, insurance. Well of course I have insurance...I'll find the card. (10 minutes later and still no card in the pile of paper vomiting out of my glove box.) Life fail.
James assured me I can just have my insurance fax one over to them. Sounds easy. I call Barry, our insurance agent, and nope. Not there. So I decide to shoot Barry an email as Chuck and I walk into the oil change holding area. I'm scanning scanning scanning through emails trying to find Barry's when I become aware that I look like the mom who can't break herself away from her iPhone for 5 minutes to interact with her child. Hold on more minute. This will be so quick. Email s - shit! The racks next to my chair literally exploded. Chuck, terrified, begins wailing in a sea of scent-your-car paraphernalia. Mom fail.
Scent-your-cars collected and email sent, I notice that everyone that was in the waiting room with us has now decided to wait on the patio outside. Mom fail.
As I fight the urge to walk outside and announce to all of them I'm trying to get my insurance card emailed over so I can knock out my inspection while I'm here, a guy walks in to ask me if I have my insurance yet. I try to announce really loudly that I'm still working on it, but he just gives me an odd look and declares I have a beautiful little girl. I nod and say thanks. Mom fail. (God, I hope I don't screw you up by my inability to correct people, Chuck.)
The 40 minute oil change, inspection and car wash has turned into an hour-long oil change. Life fail.
Please stop stalling, my insurance isn't coming. Just the oil change. Please, just the oil change. Okay, wash it, but really I have to go. Charlie is now starving. Weird Mum Mum's don't sustain him from breakfast to his afternoon nap. Mom fail.
And just when my back feels like it might finally break from walking our 99th lap around the parking lot, my car comes through the carwash. I head inside to pay setting Charlie down to further blacken his pants and germ-up his hands. One pass through the bag - ummm...that's weird. Two passes through the bag - certainly it's in here. Three passes through the bag - seriously? Momentary pause - yep, my wallet's on Chuck's nightstand. Life fail.
Mentally preparing myself to walk home (will they really not give me my car?) I sheepishly whispered to the front desk girl that I couldn't find my wallet. Sure, ma'am. Sure. No big deal. Why don't you...well, actually...just call me rather than coming back up here. Translation - I don't doubt your mess of a self left your wallet somewhere...if you even have a wallet. Please don't come back up here. Life fail.
We pulled back in the driveway at 1:02 only for me to realize I'd accidentally left Stan in the backyard. Mom fail.
Certainly, I've filled my quota of dumb nonsense for the year. But failures aside, we did get an oil change. And a car wash - which Charlie was enamored with. And Chuck's down for one of those good afternoon naps. The day's looking up from here, right?
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